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It is a striking plant known for its elongated leaves that feature a unique and captivating veining pattern. The leaves can grow quite large and have a glossy texture, enhancing their visual appeal. This species is native to Ecuador and can thrive in humid and tropical environments. Its distinctive appearance and relatively rare status in cultivation make it a sought-after collector's item among plant enthusiasts. Proper care, including providing bright indirect light, high humidity, and well-draining soil, is essential for the health and vibrancy of Anthurium longistrorsum.

Climate Intermediate Warm
Air Circulation Medium
Light Medium
Humidity Medium
Fertilizer Bimonthly
Size Medium

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nicole S.
Undemanding, pretty plant

My A. longistrorsum got lost in the mail for several weeks, and when I finally received it, the package was crushed flat and slightly damp. However, I opened the box to find that only one leaf was damaged and the plant itself appeared to be in perfect health. It is doing great in a mostly shaded, south-facing window this winter, but the short days seem to have paused its progress in making new leaves. I can't wait for it to put out more though, since its most recent leaf has a deep, sinus, making it look very heart-shaped, and seems to be of a much more mature type than its previous leaves.