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Commonly known as Anthurium Panama, is a species of flowering plant native to Panama in Central America. This particular Anthurium is celebrated for its distinctive foliage and vibrant red, heart-shaped spathes that surround its inconspicuous flowers. The leaves are often large, glossy, and have an elongated, arrowhead shape, contributing to its ornamental appeal. Anthurium dressleri typically thrives in warm and humid conditions, making it well-suited for tropical or greenhouse environments. As with many Anthurium species, it requires well-draining soil and indirect light. Anthurium dressleri is a captivating choice for those seeking a unique and visually striking addition to their indoor plant collection.

Inver 1 mesa 6 grupo B

Clima Templado
Circulación de aire Medio
Luz Medio
Humedad Medio
Fertilizante Bimensual
Tamaño Medio

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