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It is a botanical gem renowned for its distinctive appearance and lush green foliage. This philodendron variety is instantly recognizable for its deeply lobed leaves, which resemble a trident or fork, giving it the common name "forked-leaf philodendron." The leaves are typically dark green and glossy, adding a touch of elegance to its overall appeal. As a climbing or vining species, Philodendron furcatum exhibits a natural inclination to seek support, allowing it to gracefully ascend towards the light in its forest habitat. When cultivated indoors, it can be trained to climb on a trellis or left to cascade, creating a dynamic and visually captivating display. Philodendron furcatum is cherished by plant enthusiasts for its unique foliage and adaptability to different indoor conditions, making it a prized addition to indoor gardens and collections. To care for it successfully, provide well-draining soil, moderate to bright indirect light, and regular moisture, allowing it to thrive and infuse living spaces with its tropical beauty and botanical charm.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews

I like the way it looks lm loving it when can I pot it up


Stunning plant


Heard a lot about this plant it's beautiful in person


Arrived quickly, well packaged, and beautiful. Two gorgeous, healthy leaves. I had one before as a gift before it died and I've been searching for another. I finally found it here. Will definitely be returning.

stefano giovannini
Beautiful leaves, slow grower, requires humidifier or humid climate.

I ordered one from Ecuagenera in Ecuador and 2 from Ecuagenera USA.
The one imported died. It was during a heat wave in NY, some plants did not ship well.

As much as I like this plant, it is definitely a slow grower. I keep it moist, near a humidifier.
The leaves can get crispy like a Calathea. I may try to water it with distilled water.
But so far I have 2, they are alive and growing. We will see.
Probably a cabinet or a greenhouse is best for this.

The plants I received have medium/small leaves.

In the meantime Pholodendrons like rubrocictum, ernestii, plowmanii, burle-marx, subhastatum, rubrijuvenile seem easier and faster growers.

But this is beautiful and challenging. I suggest to not repot. Grow it in sphagnum and perlite.
The unusual leaves are worth taking a chance. I wonder if a larger plant would grow a bit faster.