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Hailing from the lush rainforests of Colombia's Baudo region, stands as an intriguing tropical species known for its striking foliage and climbing habit. Its large, paddle-shaped leaves, adorned in glossy, dark green hues with prominent veining and gently wavy margins, create a bold and captivating presence. In its native habitat, it climbs trees and structures, reaching for the canopy light, while in cultivation, it can be trained on trellises or allowed to cascade, making for an impressive and lush display. While not as commonly grown as some other philodendron species, Philodendron baudoense finds appreciation among plant enthusiasts for its unique appearance and adaptability. Cultivating it successfully entails providing well-draining soil, moderate to bright indirect light, and consistent moisture, making it a striking addition to indoor and outdoor gardens, adding a touch of exotic allure, and sparking conversations among admirers of its bold and attractive foliage.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Nice plant.

Talmise Adams
Beautiful plant!

I think I have four plants with this order, and this one is the prettiest one of them all. The leaves have a soft leathery texture. I love this one so glad I purchased it!