Commonly known as Elephant Ear or African Mask Plant, is an exotic tropical species prized for its striking foliage. Characterized by large, arrow-shaped leaves with prominent veining and a glossy sheen, Alocasia portei adds a touch of the jungle to indoor or shaded outdoor spaces. This plant requires well-draining soil and thrives in bright, indirect light. While it appreciates consistent moisture, it's crucial not to overwater to prevent root rot. With its bold and distinctive appearance, Alocasia portei is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts looking to create a lush and dramatic atmosphere in their living spaces.
It’s gorgeous! I mean just stunning leaves. Potted perfectly doesn’t even need repotted yet! One of me new doctors phragmepediums! It’s so happy and seems to enjoy whatever is thrown at it! Would love some repotting and watering instructions for novice growers tho!
I loved this one. It came so green and so happy! New growth looks wonderful! It’s fitting right in! I’m a very novice orchid collector so I’m learning the watering aspects for this one particularly. Very happy with the specimen sent!
I received this plant about three weeks ago. It came very yellowed and the new growth seemed rotted and dying. I’ve been keeping it mostly dry and trying to water here and there, but this little guy is struggling.