It is an enchanting species of Hoya, commonly known as the wax plant, renowned for its distinctive appearance and lovely fragrant flowers. Native to Southeast Asia, particularly regions in Thailand and Malaysia, this plant boasts elongated, narrow leaves adorned with intricate veining, adding to its visual appeal. Its star-shaped flowers are typically small and emit a sweet fragrance that becomes more pronounced in the evenings. When it comes to care, Hoya anulata thrives in bright, indirect light, requiring partial drying of the soil between waterings to prevent root rot. With its unique foliage and fragrant blooms, it's a favorite among plant enthusiasts.
The packaging was really great, my only complaint is the plant is definitely way smaller than what I was expecting. In comparison to the offered photo and price I wish I would have known the plant was going to be so small before I purchased
I ordered four Vandas with Ecuagenera and all of them were beautiful and healthy, with plenty of long silvery plump roots. They have no bloom spikes yet, but hopefully soon. Thank you.
I gave my purchase 3 stars only because prior purchases were ok. This purchase was in very bad shape however. Packed well for shipping, but it was like putting lipstick on a pig. Hopefully I can help this purchase recover.